Registered Teacher Criteria
Professional relationships and professional values
RTC1 - Professional Relationships
Reflective question: What do I do to establish working relationships with my äkonga, their whänau and my colleagues and others to support the learning of those I teach?
Check full SAT for RTC1 here
[Teacher response here]
Evidence 1
RTC2 - Promotion of well-being
Reflective question: How do I show in my practice that I actively promote the well-being of all äkonga for whom I am responsible?
Check full SAT for RTC2 here
[Teacher response here]
Evidence 2
RTC3 - Commitment to bicultural partnership
Reflective question: How do I reflect in my professional work respect for the cultural heritages of both Treaty partners in Aotearoa New Zealand?
Check full SAT of RTC3 here
[Teacher response here]
Evidence 3
RTC4 - On-going professional learning
Reflective question: How do I continue to advance my professional learning as a teacher?
Check full SAT for RTC4 here
[Teacher response here]
Evidence 4
RTC5 - Show leadership
Reflective question: How do I help support my colleagues to strengthen teaching and learning in my setting?
Check full SAT for RTC5 here
[Teacher response here]
Evidence 5
Professional knowledge in practice
RTC6 - Learning programmes
Reflective question: What do I take into account when planning programmes of work for groups and individuals?
Check full SAT for RTC6 here
[Teacher response here]
Evidence 6
RTC7 - Learning environment
Reflective question: How does my teaching practice promote an environment where
learners feel safe to explore ideas and respond respectfully to others in the group?
Check full SAT of RTC7 here
[Teacher response here]
Evidence 7
RTC8 - Knowledge of how akonga learn
Reflective question: How does my teaching reflect that I understand the main influences on how my äkonga learn?
Check full SAT of RTC8 here
[Teacher response here]
Evidence 8
RTC9 - Responsivity
Reflective question: How does my knowledge of the varied strengths, interests and needs of individuals and groups of äkonga influence how I teach them?
Check full SAT for RTC9 here
[Teacher response here]
Evidence 9
RTC10 - Bicultural context
Reflective question: In my teaching, how do I take into account the bicultural context of teaching and learning in Aotearoa New Zealand?
Check the full SAT for RTC10 here
[Teacher response here]
Evidence 10
RTC11 - Assessment and learning
Reflective question: How do I gather and use assessment information in ways that advance the learning of my äkonga?
Check full SAT for RTC11 here
[Teacher response here]
Evidence 11
RTC12 - Inquiry
Reflective question: How do I advance the learning of my äkonga through critical inquiry within my professional learning?
Check full SAT for RTC12 here
[Teacher response here]