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  • First name: Matt
  • Last name: Maude
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  • Country: New Zealand
  • Occupation: Teacher

rolling out BYOD at Darfield High School. RSS

My journal to record the implementation, successes and problems of rolling out BYOD at DHS. 

Tags: BYOD, DHS, success

Slow Slow Slow

Posted on 21 February 2013, 13:55
Tags: wireless, DHS
I can't believe that after months of having our fibre optic cable installed we seem to ne no further pneumonia with UFB actually being used. Likewise, there is yet to be any sign of a wireless infrastructure being installed. Looking forward tp our School Wide IT meeting later this term to find out what:s happening.

Creative Commons

Posted on 04 February 2013, 20:17

just looking through my first lot of homework handed in, a Safety poster. Lots of "stolen images" and several still with their watermarks on. However trying to find a decent creative commons milkshake clipart is proving tricky for me. Need to look into creative commons more if I am to teach students about their digital citizenship

Day 2

Posted on 30 January 2013, 21:21
Last updated Wednesday, 30 January 2013, 21:22

Don't worry - I have no intention of keeping this up for 190days!

27 devices brought in. 2 Macbooks, 3 tablets the remainder PC laptops/netbooks.

Within 30min Bronwen had all connected to the wireless and online checking Gmail. Well done!

An introduction to the library had the librarians wanting to try out the students following their demonstration of how to access OPAC database, so the wireless unit got unplugged, taken to the library, and all students able to access the internet.

I was able to sit in with the class and solve a couple of login issues - missing or included hyphens and needing to add the to log into gmail outside of the Apps for education site. Got a picture and uploaded with maharadroid.

Very impressed, can't wait till I have them tomorrow for science. 

Day 1

Posted on 30 January 2013, 21:11

The day started with no storage, no wireless, no usernames and an instruction to students to bring no devices.

The day ended with a lockable cupboard with a few shelves (not enough) a wireless router with a personalised name and password, usernames for all students and the three students who didn't get the message about not bringing their devices we all able to connect. Roll on Day 2!

BYOD & Dgital class update to staff

Posted on 03 December 2012, 21:34

We were able to update staff today on our progress towards the Digital class and BYOD. Although the presentation was rushed, 30min in 15min, I was pleased we have prepared the slideshow, so that we could skip bits out and leave section for people to view later. We had some constructive feedback on the cybersafety and BYOD policies before the meeting, but there was not enough time for feedback or discussion at the staff meeting.

We were questioned afterwards about why the BYOD trail would be limited to one year group initally. My initial thought was because we need a small scale trial to iron out the problems. But it maybe that the numbers of students bringing devices initally may be limited to a few, and that may be where our trial begins. Maybe the trail can follow the teachers interests in blended learning PD group which we floated for the first time.

Spreading the BYOD word.

Posted on 29 November 2012, 8:06
Tags: moodle, BYOD, BLP

Just made some updates to the HELP!!! ICT PD for TEACHERS BYOD page. Have added in links to Bron's Blog and mine and added the other school's BYOD policies.

I've just found on VLN a  BYOD Livebinder. Full of BYOD goodies.

5 Wireless Considerations When Introducing BYOD at Your School

Posted on 28 November 2012, 20:12
Tags: wireless, BYOD

5 Wireless Considerations When Introducing BYOD at Your School

Just read this, We've done #1 well. #5 not so well. #2&3 are in progress and we need to do #4.

Digital Class 2013

Posted on 28 November 2012, 19:56
Last updated Wednesday, 28 November 2012, 19:57

RePosted from my Blended Learning Project Thoughts Journal

It's been a while. I've been so very busy this year - more projects and demands than I care to think about. The latest is a supporting colllaboration with Bronwen Seaward at DHS getting  ready for her Digital Class in 2013. We have made a minisite, written a proposal, meeted and greeted all prospective parents at open evening then most recently made an info pack and presentation to the 34 families who have expressed interest. Add into the mix writing a BYOD policy and updating our CyberSafety/Digital Citizenship policies and we have been very busy indeed.

It is a very exciting time at DHS, there is a real buzz from the parents and students in this digital class. I just wish a few more people at school new about it, must start blowing some trumpets.

The preparation for this has showed the need for networking with others already doing this stuff. Many of the documents started off as someone elses and we are so very grateful for all the wonderful schools that put their stuff online, reply to emails and tweets to help out. So I hope I can do the same too.

Next up is confirming the places for the Digital class and getting some device suggestions firmed up. Burnside High School's BYOD pages and blog have been helpful in this.

Alongside this Digital class is the hope that we might be able to extend BYOD to other years on a little by little basis. But we are waiting on UFB and wifi for that to be possible.

8 entries