Big Idea...

Inquiry focus question...

Rationale for this focus...

Justify why you choose this as a focus?  (include relevant strategic goal here too)

Base-line Data:

What base-line data or evidence can you collect to give a snapshot of the current picture or thinking?  (i.e collection of student voice? Photos)

Action Plan...

What is your action plan?  (This can be updated regularly, potentially using a different colour to show 'junction' points.)


What professional reading (and/or development) do I think may be useful - to impact my thinking and teaching? 

Other support sources...

What colleague visits / professional discussions / research do I think may be useful to impact my thinking and teaching?

Questions / Wonderings...

What questions arise throughout this process?

So What?

What are the 'take-aways' or 'new learning' that has had an impact on your own and others' professional learning? (This can be recorded during and at the conclusion of your inquiry).