Another Cycle to Ponder

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership

This site has a lot of Professional Readings about 'coaching'.  It includes readings on: 

  • Introduction to coaching
  • Planning for coaching
  • Coaching conversations
  • Evaluating coaching
  • A complete set of coaching resources

Coaching Environmental Scan

Great doc with lots of information - click here

How Can I Grow as a Coach?

This reading is interesting - How can I Grow as Coach?

Points to consider:

  • Coaching conversation and the evaluation of these
  • My own personal development?  Maintain my reflective nature.
  • The 'reflection' exercise would be good to do at a team level  - perhaps?
  • Consider my 'real coaching self' and my 'ideal coaching self' - a little like espoused theory and theory in use (OTL)
  • I need to go through a 'self-directed process of intentional change'
  • Being a coach will be challenging!
  • Seek support when challenges and road blocks occur!
  • Find time to answer the questions on this presentation to determine my 'ideal coaching self'.
  • Set some coaching goals!
  • Explore the 'iceberg' model and look at what's below the line - how is this affecting what's happening above the line?  Sometimes fixing the above the line issues isn't really going to achieve change.
  • REAL behaviour sits below the waterline!!

Interesting read!! I like it

Classroom Learning Model - Coach Focus