Initial Thinking

My initial inquiry thoughts centred around the concept of Play Based Learning, which is something I saw at a couple of school during the Melbourne school visit tour in October 2014.  I began to explore this and started some researching.  The set up costs and resourcing involved appeared to be quite high and a highly potential stumbling block.  

I then pondered an eLearning focus - which linked nicely to our strategic goals.  But after 2-3 years of focussing on eLearning (specifically iPads in the Junior School) I felt that the answers, or the to do plan was already mostly known in my head. 

For a true inquiry I needed to think of something to which I did not know the answer.  Given my new role 'Team Collaborative Coach' I thought that an Inquiry into how to become an effective coach would be a more suitable and relevant inquiry path to take.  

In my head I envisage this involving me and my team working together to …

  • become more informed, 
  • more educated 
  • more knowledgeable teaching practitioners, 
  • more understanding of current educational practices 
  • develop a deeper understanding of how students learn etc.   
  • read professional readings - expanding and developing our knowledge base through discussion and sharing
  • Challenge our current practice and thinking


Juliet Dickinson also suggested the following points:

- how are cohesive and collaborative teams built?

- what team meeting structures empower staff the most?

- what are effective strategies in managing conflict? (In time of rapid change)