Key Indicators
i. Engage in ethical, respectful, positive and collaborative professional relationships with:
- Learners;
- Teachers establish strong rapport and knowledge about their learners
- Relationships are key to creating a positive emotional environment inclusive of all students (TK Pride)
- learners feel safe and are encouraged to take responsible risks
- Teaching colleagues, support staff and other professionals;
- Fully collaborates and shares with colleagues
- Is actively involved in sharing knowledge of curriculum and teaching techniques to improve own performance or to help others (e.g Learning Partner Observations)
- Adheres to the Te Kowhai School code of conduct as a positive way of enhancing relationships
- Family/whānau and other carers of our learners;
- Positive partnerships with parents are evident (TK Pride)
- Proactive strategies are used to ensure parents are kept informed and involved in their child's learning and class/school events
- Recognise and value the input of families/whanau to the school and their child's learning
- Agencies, groups and individuals in the community
e-Learning - Supporting materials RTC 1
Professional Standards
Reflective Question
1. What do I do to establish working relationships with my ākonga, their whanau and my colleagues and others to support the learning of those I teach?
2. How can I develop these relationships further?
3. How do I access/use personal information about students that may affect my teaching?
4. How do I/can I embrace e-learning to establish and develop working relationships with my students, their whānau, and my colleagues to support the learning of those I teach?
Reflective Questions Answered
Journal entries with tag "RTC1"
RTC1 - Reflection Question 4:
RTC1 - Reflection Question 4:4. How do I/can I embrace e-learning to establish and develop working relationships with my students, their whānau, and my colleagues to support the learning of those I teach?
- I would like to trial some sort of on-line portfolio system. I find the paper version Portfolio time consuming and a little tokenistic at times - rushing to 'do' an assessment because we have to. I would like assessment of learning to be show 'real time' learning by using recording devices to capture student learning as opposed to students colouring in 3 smiley faces?
- In the past I've tried to set up Wikis or Blogs but have never got these past a setting up stage. In my opinion they require too much input from me and not enough input from students. Last year my students did a lot of creating using iPads. Students creations were often emailed home and this system worked well. Students shared their learning digitally during SLCs and at Assemblies.
- This year I am off to a slow start with embedding eLearning across my programme. Students have created Pic Collages in maths and we have had a go at MyStory and Book Creator in attempts to create iBooks. It may sound like a cop out but I've put loads of energy into setting up the MLE between Room 1 and 2, as well as supporting Nicki and Mandi with getting Daily 5 up and running, that I've really struggled to incorporate eLearning seamlessly into our programme.
- I have emailed/ text photos of students to parents if they have done something that we've captured during the day
- However, in Room 1 we do use ICT tools on a daily basis. Talking Tins are used everyday as students record their sentences prior to writing them. We use the visualiser during handwriting, and use the new TV/Computer set up everyday. This is much more interactive for students than the data projector. We are using Air Server to project iPads onto the TV and using iPads collaboratively on the mat to explore and further develop literacy and numeracy skills (eg. kids doddle this term to show how they can use a rime/chunk to create new words. Click here to see an example of Kids Doodle being used).
- I would like to see Google Docs used more at a MLE, Team and School level. It would be great to use Google Docs as an open space for the MLE Team (and the Junior Team) to view and add to a Weekly Agenda so all the Team knows what's coming up, and so that we can respond to points before the meeting or add to the Agenda if we have things to discuss.
RTC1 - Reflection Question 3:
RTC1 - Reflection Question 3:3. How do I access/use personal information about students that may affect my teaching?
- Information about students can be accessed through talking to them, their siblings or their parents/caregivers. In the past (following responses received from the welcome letter) I was able to know students interests which could then provide ideas for themed teaching/resources at the beginning of the year - eg if someone liked dinosaurs I would create dinosaur themed name tags, or pose dinosaur based maths questions, if someone was into ballet or motor-cross - get some books into the library corner or into the guided reading, poem or shared reading programme that related to those interests. (Gosh I must bring back the letter!!!)
- Parents provide important information such as prior history about any health conditions, fears, past problems either socially or medically that affect my teaching on a regular basis (eg. Noah was born prematurely, was previously referred by CDC for developmental delays, and suffers from chronic lung disease and (explains his runny nose, and lower academic levels and reason why he tires during excessive PE) , Jamie's poor oral language, Zhara's muddled up living arrangements due to her parents not having a house, Lucy and Bailey's ongoing issues, Rhys' eye condition which has affected his reading progress, etc).
- If I have any concerns or queries about any incidents in the classroom or playground I will contact parents, other teachers etc for further information before acting.
RTC1 - Reflection Question 2:
RTC1 - Reflection Question 2:2. How can I develop these relationships further?
Mmm interest question. I definitely see value in the welcome letter that I have sent in previous years. It seemed to bring down a barrier between myself and parents by almost inviting them into a snippet of my life. I think I will re-introduce this next year. Although if I remain in the MLE set up this of course would need to be done in consultation with my team members.
I have not attended any sport fixtures this year for children in my class. In the past this has always gone down well with students and their parents.
This year I seem to have stopped doing some of the things I've done in previous years??? Maybe this is due to the difficult start many of us had to 2014? Although perhaps this is merely an excuse for me slacking off?
However, I am also mindful that my 'career' takes a lot of time away from my own family and perhaps I've pulled back this year in an attempt to spend more time with them ...although this hasn't been the case as I've spent more time trying to study, plan for the MLE, keep up with eLearning, and oversee Sarah. All of which I feel like I don't fulfil well enough!!
Perhaps I could extend more invitations to parents to help during the week ... however I am reluctant to have parents get too involved during 'core' curriculum teaching and learning (reading, writing and maths). I have extended an invitation for parent helpers during my Wearable Arts elective this term?
I don't think I really know the answer to this question as I've always thought I did OK with relationships? Although I admit I've backed off a little this year????
RTC1 - Reflection Question 1:
RTC1 - Reflection Question 1:1. What do I do to establish working relationships with my ākonga, their whanau and my colleagues and others to support the learning of those I teach?
- I would like to think that I spend considerable time getting to know ALL the students in my class at the beginning of the year. In previous years I have attended Motor X, soccer and dancing outside of school hours to to further strengthen relationships between myself, my students and their parents/caregivers.
- I am available, in class, almost every morning from 8.15 onwards to meet, greet and chat with parents as they drop their children to school. Parents are encouraged and welcome to help out when possible in class, eg. during Word Power every Friday I usually have between 3-5 parents. Occasionally parents help during class time with art, displays, photocopying, laminating etc. Sometimes it is not convenient to have parents help - eg. I find it difficult to accommodate parents during core curriculum teaching and learning time. In previous years I have had parents 'help' with reading (re-reading with some students to develop fluency and reading mileage), however this can prove inappropriate as some parents 'talk' to the wider parent community about other children's reading levels and capabilities. (Once burned, twice shy!)
- In previous years I have sent parents/students a welcome letter during the holidays. However I did not do so this year? I'm not entirely sure why I didn't as this letter always proved popular in previous years? (See below Pdf to view 2013 letter). This was always popularly received by parents and I have folders full of children's letters that were given to me on the first day of school. it was a great way to get to know their likes, dislikes, interests, family members, pets and any other information they wished to share in a letter prior to actually starting to teach them.
- We (Nicki, Mandi and myself, as an MLE) send regular and timely newsletters to parents informing them of what's coming up eachTerm.
- Respond to emails, telephone calls and parent concerns quickly and efficiently often together as a team (MLE)
- As a team we meet each week to discuss upcoming events, assessment expectations, curriculum expectations etc.
- I have offered support when appropriate to individuals within the Junior Team and occasionally across the Middle Team.
- I am currently Tutor Teacher for Sarah Kirk - which involves regular meetings to discuss Sarah's concerns, queries, progress, reflections following observations and goal setting.
- Sarah is also my TAI partner this year.