Key Indicators
i. Identify professional learning goals in consultation with colleagues
- Takes an active role in learning partner observations and discussions
ii. Participate responsively in professional learning opportunities within the learning community with a focus on the school-wide strategic goals
iii. Initiate learning opportunities to advance personal professional knowledge and skills;
- Constantly reflects to self improve on goals established that are focused around improving practice and lifting student achievement.
- Evidence and reflections are collated within MyPortfolio
eLearning - supporting materials for RTC 4
Professional Standards
Neill O'Rielly - KeyNote Speaker at Hosonville Point - 2016
Michael Absolum - Appraisals for Teachers Info - AP/DP Conference 2015
Literacy and Middle Leaders Workshops - 2016
Karen Tui Boyes - Lifting the mask as a leader - AP/DP Conference 2015
Karen Boyes - Staff Meetings- AP/DP Conference 2015
Dan - Hobsonville Point Principal - 2016
Collaborative Practice at Golden Sands School - 2016
Reflective Question
1. How do I continue to advance my professional learning as a teacher?
2. Do I actively share knowledge gained from various PD with my colleagues?
3. How do I action any goals from professional learning conversations?
4. What further professional development do I need?
5. How do I/can I utilise e-learning to further my professional learning and development?
Reflective Questions Answered
Journal entries with tag "RTC4"
RTC4 - Reflective Question 5
RTC4 - Reflective Question 5How do I/can I utilise e-learning to further my professional learning and development?
Reading and videos online are very helpful and enable to be able to learn anywhere, anytime and anyplace.
I use MyPorfolio to record my Professional Learning Journey and use Google docs/slides etc daily to share learning, collaborate about things etc.
eLearning is a part of everything I do in my PLD.
RTC4 - Reflective Question 3
RTC4 - Reflective Question 3How do I action any goals from professional learning conversations?
In LC1 we catch up most days, and often part of our conversations are around what we are doing, what's working well, what's not working well, how can we change etc.
Working collaboratively encourages us to be much more open to change, reflective and innovative when it comes to who, why, what, and how we are doing things.
We have 'to do' lists to keep us on track and as a team we have weekly/fortnightly Agendas which often include things that are relative to PLD.
I believe that I do a lot of research around things before implementing/suggesting changes to programmes. I also encourage discussion, questioning and thinking as a Learning Community which is working well. I work hard to ensure that any decisions are collectively made with everyone's input seen and heard and being valuable.
As a wider Junior Team I think we are still working towards being open and honest about actioning goals/change from PLD conversations. Whilst I encourage discussion, questioning and thinking this openness has sometimes been hard to encourage among all team members. This is why my 2015 inquiry is largely centred around how to become a more effective team coach.
On a strictly personal note ... I action goals by thinking, questioning myself and others and talking with others to find out more before implementing change - I guess it's really no different from what we do collaboratively?
RTC4 - Reflective Question 2
RTC4 - Reflective Question 2Do I actively share knowledge gained from various PD with my colleagues?
I think I do. Sometimes I guess I am conscious not to overload my teaching team in particular with all the little things I read. I try to ensure what I share is valid, important and timely (relevant to what we are doing or aiming to achieve.
I send regular emails with links to reading with my immediate team and occasionally the wider staff if I think something is relevant to them.
Since the introduction of EPIC I am endeavoring to to cater for extending my teams PLD through relevant readings specific to the subject area we are exploring. At a recent team meeting I shared a few links that explained the importance of teaching vocabulary, which included a bunch of teaching strategies and resources to help teach vocab.
At the beginning of Term 2 (2015) I gave a brief overview to the Junior Team about the Open to Learning Conversation PLD I attended.
I think it is good practice for us all to share our knowledge as 2 heads are better than 1!
RTC4 - Reflective Question 1
RTC4 - Reflective Question 1How do I continue to advance my professional learning as a teacher?
I do lots of reading and viewing to help up skill and learn more about my teaching practice. I regularly visit sites such as Teachthought and Edudemic . I also find real value to watching other teachers teach and enjoy these opportunities whenever they arise. It is incredible how much PLD I can get out of just watching others teach.
Recently I read on this government education site about the changes to the terminology surrounding the 'outdated' term MLE in favour of a more internationally accepted term 'Innovative Learning Environments'.
I have been fortunate to attend many PLD opportunities during my time at TK and am thankful for this, as these opportunities have definitely advanced my professional learning capacity.
This is one area I thrive on and will continue to be known as the 'geek' in LC1.
Sue Kohn Taylor - Personal Development Coach - 2016
Sue Kohn Taylor - Personal Development Coach - 2015 AP/DP conference
Martin Hughes - It's About Time - 2015 AP/DP Conference
Marcus Akuhata-Brown Key Note Speaker - AP/DP Conference 2015
Jeremy Kedian - Building Professional Learning through Dialogue
Hobsonville Point Day - 2016
Daily 5 - Developing a Safe Environment for Engaged Learners
Collaboration Warts and All - My Presentation used 2016 - frequently adapted for specific purposes
Anne Robertson - Connected Learning Advisory - AP/DP Conference 2015
EPIC - Term 1 Geometry
Geometry Data Analysis Term 1 2014
This document is a synthesis of school wide data around Geometry. From this data the school identified common trends - strengths and weaknesses. From this document we then formulated unit plans at each Curriculum Level.